Sunday, February 4, 2007



So what the heck is that, anyway?

For one thing, it is a new blog I plan on starting sometime in the next few days.

For another thing, it is one of Yours Truly's original neologisms. I needed a word to convey not only the direction of living languages, but how the way language evolves indicates how humanity is evolving. It should be a word mellifluous enough to entice the reader to repeat it, perhaps even a third time. It also had to be a name composed of letters that effortlessly interrelate, as if they always belonged together in the same order to fulfill the same purpose.

Realizing that there was probably only one way I could accomplish such a task, I embarked on one of my favorite pastimes: the thought journey that would lead to just the right neologism that would satisfy all my requirements. Since I am my own worst taskmaster, Evolinguistica wasn’t birthed until about four hours later.

“Language” must evolve as we evolve. It is how we primarily express ourselves in order to see ourselves as clearly as possible. At this crucial juncture of becoming collectively conscious of ourselves, living language as we know it is about to take the most fascinating journey since the moment we created it. The difficult mission we have assigned to language is to become, at least in the nascent stages of the quantum that we are about to leap, a global intercommunication in such a way that we can somehow figure out how to elevate it to a higher, less physically manifested (yet dramatically more sentient than it is now) mode of communication. That could be some type of telepathy, let’s say, or maybe even a more perfect offspring of telekinesis, or better yet, telempathy. Yeah, yeah, I know, my second neologism already.

But that’s what this is all about. The process of helping our living language learn how to evolve right alongside "Ourself." Coining new words and phrases is one of the best methods of many to restructure language so that it remains germane to each level of raised consciousness we attain as we evolve.

Can language become a conscious entity in its own right so that it recognizes itself as the perfect expression of Ourself emerging from the dense human realm, and to independently respond to its own urgent creative impulse to BECOME?

That is but one of many questions I hope to investigate here. Others are:

  • How do languages survive the rigors of human evolution? What factors make languages become extinct?
  • Of the languages currently in use which show no signs of becoming extinct, what are the common threads among them that make them "survivors"? What unique features does each have that have made it a "survivor"?
  • What effect does the noosphere have on the natural selection of languages?
  • The majority of instant communication on the internet is conducted via the written word. How does this affect the way we communicate as a global community?

As this site develops, I hope to introduce other categories to interact with evolinguistica from different perspectives.

  • Neologistics - A section on neologisms will accept submissions that demonstrate how languages themselves are forcing newly coined expressions upon us so quickly that it is difficult to tell whether the human or the language itself coined the word or phrase.
  • Lexiconnections - This section will demonstrate how languages, especially their lexicons, are influencing each other more and more rapidly as we move further into the 21st century. This inluence appears to be growing into a confluence as even languages from different families encroach upon and finally leave behind larger parts of their lexicons on the branches of many different family trees.
  • NooSlogans - The title itself suggests that some neologistics have taken place here already by combining noos + slogan to make the resultant phonetics sound like new slogans. Those dedicated to this post-modern theory of enlightened global consciousness have been getting better and better at centering themselves in the present moment. Words and expressions such as the ability to be simultaneously nowhere and nowhere no longer puzzle them. A new NooSlogan will be featured each day at the top of the right-hand panel of this home page.

  • Random Acts of Unconditional Love - This will be a list of shorter anecdotes based on events that I have experienced along my path less taken, or along anyone else's with whom I have shared a close communion of heart and soul (... and blood, sweat and tears, sometimes...). I'm not quite finished with the first story, which is why you can't click on it yet.

  • Evolinks - Sorry, couldn't resist!

  • Bloglottal Stops Along the Journey - (And you thought "Evolinks" was bad! ) I highly reccomend these short readings or "byte-sized" audio snacks that I promise won't spoil your lunch.
I hope the content here will spark some lively and substantive discussions. I will also be introducing myself little by little along the way, so be patient with the shy guy. :)

Above all, enjoy yourselves.

Bob (or bobyglot, if you prefer...)